Ever  wonder what  riddles are? Or if they have  some hidden magic  to make you fly? Did you know that in ancient times, oracles and soothsayers often convey knowledge in  riddle  form, holding  that  knowledge  precious  and not to  be freely passed on to inferior minds? Did  you  also know that  even Aristotle  saw riddles as  metaphorical statements of symbolic meaning of natural phenomena?

Riddles  may have  lost its  popularity  among  the  young, but  the power  it holds in sharpening the wit and developing the mind has never been lost. Read, Read Riddles yearns to bring riddles back  to life in  its compilation  of more than a hundred riddles that would surely take you to a lot of twists and turns and would sometimes frustrate you as the answers to the riddles are really unpredictable. It’s mind-boggling but very entertaining—something to share with your friends.


It’s  an innovative  way  of  taking a  journey  into  the romantic and  poetic  world of Florante and Laura!

Literature lovers could say without any hesitation that the original “Florante at Laura” by  Francisco Baltazar  aka  Balagtas  is  a work of genius  not only for its romantic lines  and  scenarios  in  which  we  all  can  relate  to, but  also  for all  the   social relevance  packed  into  it  by  the poet. But  the fact is, present  generation  finds it  boring and a hard read due to its poetic nature.

This  book, Florante  at Laura  by Aida  M. Guimarie, offers  a  more comprehensive approach to make the masterpiece by Balagtas be easily understood by all. Though the  book  retains the original  lines written in verse, it is filled with activities that will help the readers appreciate the  content and its relevance to our lives then  and now. The beauty of  the Filipino  language is also unfolded  in the book as  the beautifully woven words of Balagtas are  interpreted for the modern readers. It would  also draw  readers closer to  the  life of the National  hero and poet as it  also  presents a  vivid picture of his life.

Now, are you ready to enter the world of Florante at Laura?


Finally, the  book  that  Dorothy  Ferreria’s  fans  are  all  waiting  for!  If  you  loved  the recipes from the books she has previously written, then you would surely adore From Dorothy’s Kitchen as she has included  improved versions of her older recipes here. And for food enthusiasts who are dying to attend Dorothy’s Cooking School but do not have the luxury to do so, then this book is for you as it contains the best  of the author’s  well-kept recipes, from simple  house meals to party treats, brewed and tested in the  kitchens of  her very  own culinary school, the Dorothy’s Cooking School.From Dorothy’s Kitchen to your very own kitchen, this is our new friend and helper in terms of cooking.


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